December 9-13 Activities
Tuesday, December 10 is the BTMS Band Concert from 6-8 pm. The concert will be held at the Fitzgerald Performing Arts Center at the Flagler Palm Coast High School.
Tickets can be purchased at this link. Adults are $10 and Students are $5.
Thursday, December 12 is the BTMS Idol Show from 7-8:30 at BTMS
Friday, December 13 is the Winter Dance held in the cafeteria 6-8 pm. Final ticket sales by December 10th.
Our Winter Wonderland Dance will be December 13th in the cafeteria from 6 pm- 8 pm. Tickets are $5 and will be on sale from December 6-10. Please note, there is a limit of 350 tickets sold so don't wait to purchase your tickets. All concession sales will benefit the PAC.
Parents will also be able to purchase tickets online as well as complete parent permission slips online. Click here to fill out the permission slip and request to purchase your ticket online.
No students with a referral from 9/23- 12/23 resulting in an OSS will be permitted to attend. Any student with a major disciplinary infraction from this school year will not be able to attend.