Tropical Storm Ian Update: October 1, 2022
Following a damage assessment at all our school sites, Flagler Schools Superintendent Cathy Mittlestadt announces that classes for all students will resume at their regular time Monday, October 3rd.
“We know many families are still dealing with the effects of Tropical Storm Ian,” said Mittelstadt. “We also have several of our employees who live in neighboring counties still trying to recover These are all things we take into account when we decide to reopen our schools.”
Our Transportation Department has surveyed bus stops in areas across Flagler County where there are still flooding concerns. In neighborhoods where alternate bus stops are necessary, that information has been relayed to the families.
Superintendent Mittelstadt says, “There are not enough words to describe the job our district leadership, in coordination with our Custodial, Food and Nutrition, Plant Services, and Technology Departments, did in providing dozens of our neighbors a safe place to stay during the storm. The speed at which they set up two shelters and then transformed them back for our educational use was amazing.”
Previous Updates
Tropical Storm Ian PM Update: September 30, 2022
Following a damage assessment at all our school sites, Flagler Schools Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt announces that the start of classes for all students has yet to be determined.
“We first want to ensure all our families have the supports they need to begin the recovery process following Tropical Storm Ian,” said Mittelstadt. “We are also working with our partners with Florida Power and Light to restore power to Indian Trails Middle School and Belle Terre Elementary School.”
Our Transportation Department will survey bus stops Saturday in areas where flooding remains a concern. Should alternate bus stops be necessary, that information will be relayed to the families in the affected areas, as well as posted here.
Superintendent Mittelstadt hopes to have a decision on when schools will reopen Saturday at 6:00 pm.
Tropical Storm Ian Update: September 30, 2022
Teams from Flagler Schools Plant Services, Technology, and Custodial Services are joining school administrators in surveying possible damage from Tropical Storm Ian on Friday. All campuses and district sites will be inspected before determining whether classes will resume Monday morning.
“First, Flagler Schools hopes our families and employees were able to get through this storm with minimal damage,” says Flagler Schools Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt. “Second, we are focusing on moving the dozens of evacuees who sought shelter at two of our campuses, either to alternate shelter space or home. We can then begin preparing those schools for the return of our students and staff.”
Flagler Schools will inform parents, students, and employees about reopening plans through our regular lines of communication, including phone calls, text messages, website postings, and social media channels.
Hurricane Ian Update: September 27, 2022
Flagler Schools Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt announces all schools will be closed beginning Wednesday, September 28, 2022, due to the impending effects of Hurricane Ian. They will remain closed through Friday, September 30, 2022.
Storm Information: September 26, 2022
Flagler Schools continues to monitor the weather situation evolving with Hurricane Ian, which is tracking towards the western part of the state. We are in regular contact with the Flagler County Emergency Management team. Plant Services personnel are also checking all our campuses and district sites to ensure they are storm-ready.
Should any changes to our schedules be required due to tropical weather, Flagler Schools will communicate with our families and employees via phone, email, district and school websites, and our social media.
We encourage everyone in Flagler County to take the time now to prepare and monitor any and all updates from Flagler County Emergency Management.