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Buddy Taylor Middle School offers many opportunities for our Eagle scholars to participate in after-school activities. Involvement in these activities helps students academically by reinforcing lessons learned in the classroom. Students will develop valuable skills and build confidence by engaging with their peers in group settings.

Most activities meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with a meal and transportation available for students who choose to participate. At this time, there is no meal or transportation for Monday after-school activities. If your student will be using school transportation, they may not be dropped off at their regular bus stop. Car riders may be picked up outside of the front office.

Participation in after-school activities is a privilege. If a student’s behavior interferes in any way with these activities, their privileges may be revoked.

After-School Permission Form

Parents/Guardians must complete an online Permission Form or paper Permission Form for students to participate in after-school activities.


Activities Calendar

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